Sunday, December 7, 2008

Turkey, Armenia and Genocide Fiction

Since ancient times humans have struggled to surround themselves with prosperity, security and safety. Then of course came desire of wealth creating greed, wars, death and destruction. Due to domination of agriculture in economic growth, prosperity depended, to a great extend on the amount of territory a certain kingdom or empire controlled and therefore could gather wealth from. Wars were the only mean available to powerful rulers in their quest for more control and wealth. Lands changed hands, people died and were enslaved, and mankind went about its normal course of development.

It should then come as no surprise that Armenia is not a self-sustaining state, because it is a landlocked small state. Even though Armenia's economy grew by 13 per cent in 2007 its GDP per capita ( PPP ) $5,800 remains in par with Albanians and is lower than Jamaica's GDP per capita ( PPP ). Armenia's future also remains uncertain in the Caucasus, because Armenia depends exclusively on Russia and 70 per cent of Armenia's land territory is under an economic blockade by Turkey and Azerbaijan, after Armenia illegally occupied 20 per cent of Azerbaijan's territory.

Armenia is well aware of these aforementioned facts. That is why Armenia is desperately seeking for Western countries to accept the so called Armenian genocide in their parliaments, so it can gain a leverage over Turkey and expand her territory. But what Armenia doesn't realize is how resilient the Turkish Republic is. Even if the whole world recognizes the so called Armenian Genocide, only around 30 countries out of a 192 have so far recognized the Armenian fiction, Turkey will not bulge and give Armenia compensations, because a vast majority of Turks believe that the deportations were necessary to preserve the Ottoman state. It should never be forgotten that it was the Armenians who rebelled against the Ottoman Empire and wanted to carve out a homeland in what is now Eastern Turkey.

In conclusion, Turks are proud of their vast history. And no amount of Armenian lies and propaganda will make Turks shift to feel ashamed of their past by accepting such horrendous accusations.


The Arabic originated word “tehcir” means “emigration / immigration”, it definitely not means “deportation” or “exile”. Hence the law commonly known as the “Tehcir Law” is the same as “Temporary Law On The Military Measures To Be Taken For Those Who Resist The Governmental Acts And Supplementation’s.” The word used to explain the implementation in line with this law is “tenkil” in the Ottoman language and means “transport- not the equivalent of “deportation”, “exile” or “proscription” in Latin originated languages.

The immigration, which was started with the orders of Talaat Pasha, and approved by the Government and the Parliament as a measure against the Armenian riots and massacres, which had arisen in a number of places in the Country - pre - dominantly in Van province, was only implemented only in the regions in which such riots and massacres affected the security of the fronts directly. The first area was Erzurum, Van and Bitlis Vicinities which formed the rear part of the Caucasian - Iran Front; and the second was Mersin - Iskenderun Region which formed the rear part of the Sina Front. In both of these regions, Armenians had collaborated with the enemy and involved in activities to facilitate the enemy’s invasion.

Later, the scope of the immigration was widened in order to include the Armenians in the other provinces, who rioted, collaborated with the enemy and screened the activities of Armenian Gangs. Although the Catholic and Protestant Armenians were excluded from immigration at the beginning, later those whose harmful activities were observed, were also relocated.

Since 1915, numerous papers, reports, books, etc. were written and published about the immigration implementation. The Armenians, by using false documents have succeeded to deceit the World for a long time. The rumor about Armenian holocaust (!) which expressed at first as three hundred thousand and later increased to three million has no basis at all. In fact, although English and French authorities have extensively studied the Ottoman archives during their occupation in Istanbul have failed to find even a single document hinting about such holocaust.

Had the Ottoman State intended to make genocide on Armenians; could not they realize such an act at the places where the Armenians live? Why would it be necessary “to immigrate” them for such an intention? Why did they undertake the significant fiscal and material costs of their security, safety, health and food of the immigrating Armenians? During this immigration and re-settlement process which lasted approximately 1,5 year from May 1915 until October 1916, why would the central and local administrations take measures to ensure the lives and properties of Armenians in spite of the difficult war circumstances? In addition, would it be necessary to accept great administrative, military and financial burden —as if opening a new front- to protect and secure these people?

The answers to these questions shall be sufficient to understand the real intention of the Ottoman State. Also there is no logical explanation that why the Ottoman State suddenly changed its policy towards a community which had always been called as “millet-i sadika” (loyal people) due to their being really faithful to the Government. Hence the party whose attitude had changed was not the Ottoman Government, but the Armenians who were deceived by the independence promises of Russia and the Entente States.

In conclusion, it can be said that the Armenian Immigration which was a necessary measure to ensure the State Security and Safety is among one of the most successful transportation and re-settlement processes; and has no intention whatsoever to annihilate Armenians.